From volunteerwork to a dream job!

On March 1, 2024, Eva Bouwer (photo left) started as a Business Advisor for the business community at Volunteers Central Amsterdam. Previously, she was associated with the organization as a volunteer ambassador.
Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam (VCA) is the only service and expertise center for volunteer work in Amsterdam, they have received a subsidy from the municipality for three years starting in 2024 to further expand the Business Involved project.
In her role as a business advisor, Eva will work on connecting the business community to social organizations in Amsterdam. Together with organization advisor Rachida el Alami (photo right), who from now on focuses on equipping social organizations for employee volunteering, they are on their way to even more impact and partnerships!
Do you as a company in Amsterdam want to get started with making an impact and developing your CSR? Please contact Eva at [email protected] or call her: 06-39426591.